Imagine that you are driving in your car and approach a red-light at an intersection. You take your foot off the accelerator and begin breaking in order to come to a complete stop. While waiting for the traffic light to turn green, you see a vehicle approaching you from behind and it doesn’t seem like […]
Legal Articles of Interest
Personal Injury during Court Shut-down
Question: I’ve been injured in a car accident but the courts are closed because of COVID-19, how can I be compensated for my injuries? Answer: Just because the courts have been closed because of the pandemic, it does not mean that an attorney cannot help you resolve your personal injury claim. Here at Guendelsberger […]
How Physical Trauma can Affect Multiple Sclerosis
Depending upon the specific medical history and medical condition of an individual with multiple sclerosis (MS), physical trauma can affect the trajectory of the condition. Slip-and-fall and car accident-related physical trauma can exacerbate multiple sclerosis. It is critical that if you have multiple sclerosis and suffer a physical injury that you hire an attorney with […]
Do Points On My License Really Matter?
You may have heard that if you are convicted of a moving violation, you will get points on your license. What are points and how do they affect your driver’s license? The Department of Motor Vehicles (“DMV”) uses a point system to monitor your driving history. The DMV sets points based upon the type of […]
COVID, Essential Employees and Connecticut Workers Compensation
Governor Lamont recently signed an executive order that helps essential employees in Connecticut qualify for workers compensation benefits. The order creates a “rebuttable presumption” that makes workers who contracted COVID-19 on the job eligible for CT workers compensation. A “rebuttable presumption” is an assumption that may be disproved by evidence to the contrary. For example, […]